Join community residents at the First Friday on 24th Street. There will be plenty of food and perfumes offered. There will be discounts and drinks specials, as well as music and more food! Check out Candy Kitchen, La Victoria, La Raza Gallery and don’t forget to pick up your copy of El Tecolote. Also sip of wine at Wonderland, and enjoy free snacks at La Torta Gorda.
Show up on Friday, July 1 on 24th Street. Come, see and take. Form 6:30 pm to 9pm begins.
Carlos del Sol will sing at Rinconcito de Nicaragua, near the corner of Shotwell. Minxy Boutique is having live windows models! Take advantages of be discounts and music at Mission Skateboard.
Treat the kids to puppet show, 7pm, at the Mission Neighborhood Center 24th Street Head Start, at Harrison and 24th Street, and catch the marionette LaLo Land Adventures show.
Bounce to hip-hop in the Mini Park hip-hop starts at 6:30 pm.
For $3 pick up a cold mocha Dynaslide spiced at Dynamo Coffee / Donuts. Nico Rimbaud will sing in L’s Caffe where they also have wine testing.
End the evening at La Victoria, where they promise an after party. Before you head up to the party, at the corner of Alabama street, pick up your new earrings from Mixcoatl Arts & Crafts, at 24th and S. Van Ness, get a pupusa at Usulután restaurant, on the corner of Harrison, and browse through Modern Times that book you always wanted to read.