Exhibition Closing Event

Sat. 30 Oct. • 7 pm • Donations accepted

Sponsors: Peña del Sur & Task Force of the Americas.

Sunrise Restaurant, 3126 24th St, SF @ Folsom St • Info: (415) 647-8126 | (415) 467-6230

• Featuring music by M.U.S.A. (Mentes Unidas Sembrando Acción) a Latin rock fusion project with local Chilean singer, Maria Loreto. The event is a closing party for an exhibition of artworks by Mapuche Lonko Juana Calfunao, and a celebration of the end of a hunger strike – which lasted 82 days – by 34 Mapuche political prisoners in Chile. Juana Calfunao was imprisoned in 2006 for her militant efforts to reclaim her Mapuche community’s ancestral lands from logging corporations that are deforesting Chile and increasing global warming. She was released in September 2010. The hunger strike finally ended on October 9, after extensive negotiations with the Chilean government. Celebrate their release and learn about the ongoing struggle of the Mapuches for land and justice in the face of repression by the Chilean State. The evening’s program will include photographs by Chilean photographer Alejandro Stewart, and a report by Carolina Dutton (a Bay Area activist) about the current situation.