As a former classroom social studies teacher who taught high school in SFUSD for 30 years, I worked to get Gabriela López elected to the School Board. With lots of hard work and grassroots support she won becoming the first bilingual teacher ever to hold the position. Now, high tech billionaires are trying to recall her on Tuesday February 15, removing her from office even though her term ends in November.
This is a great example of money corroding politics. Just two hedge-fund billionaires, both Trump supporters, gave almost $500,000 to unseat 3 School Board members, all people of color, who earn $6,000/year for their public service. Recall supporters have amassed over $1.1 million in a special election costing the San Franciscans over $3 million.
If the recalls succeed, San Franciscans lose their ability to vote for the replacements giving power to Mayor Breed. The result: 4 of the 7 School Board members will be selected by one mayor instead of being elected by all San Franciscans. Vote No on all the School Board Recalls.
Rick Girling is a former teacher at Galileo and Lowell High Schools and parent of 2 boys who graduated from SF public schools.