The Women’s Building hosts a night of healing and liberation through the arts! Artists Against Rape features spoken word, music and art from local poets, artists and activists, who are speaking out against and healing from sexual violence. This year’s event showcases work that makes connections between youth culture, sexual violence and social issues by artists who are homeless/marginally housed.

Where:  The Women’s Building Auditorium, 3543 18th St.

Admission: $20-$50 adults (sliding scale donation) / $5-$20 youth under 18 

For more info:

One reply on “15th Artists Against Rape”

  1. Hi! Just wanted to clarify that this event is NOT hosted by the Women’s Building. It is hosted by San Francisco Women’s Against Rape AT the Women’s Building. Could this be corrected? Thank you so much for all your hard work! 🙂

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