Flying Paper is the uplifting story of Palestinian children in Gaza on a quest to shatter the Guinness World Record for the most kites ever flown. Through the perspective of children and young people comes a story of determination and artistic expression as the youth in the film work together to achieve a shared goal. It showcases the creative resilience of these children making and flying kites despite the difficult realities they face in their daily lives. The film has been co-produced with young Palestinians in Gaza trained by the filmmakers through a youth media program called Voices Beyond Walls.

While the record-breaking event is what drives the film’s narrative arc, it is the everyday stories of the young kite makers that will touch audiences through their humor and playful spirit. The film seeks to humanize the conflict through a touching cinematic rendering of the fascinating kite culture among children
as a form of creative resistance in Gaza.

Where: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission St.

Admission: $5 – $20

For more info: (415) 643-2785 /